عشق
مغرووم
نارو
لهيبه
عشق
مغروم
ةةةةةذث
Love
is
arrogant,
its
flame
burns,
Love
is
arrogant,
and
so
forth
ينع
كس
امكنيثيثيمنننةييةييةيثثنننةيثيثيثيثيثثسثةنووبوينينينييننينينيتيتياريرريررريويويويوينيننينينيننيينينننننينينينينينينننةي
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed,
May
your
mother's
cunt
be
cursed